thank you for accepting me to the forum. I’m a happy fresh owner of lovely 500 Saturno Bialbero - my long dream.
I started read the available manuals and search this nice forum but I still have some questions if some is kind enough to help me with:
- Is there some good scan of original owners manual (not workshop manuals)?
- I’m also interested in buying original owners manual and warranty booklet. Or if someone is kind enough to send them to me that I can professionally scanned them (for some Euro compensation

- Questions about the stickers on the bike: on my bike the petrol tank have stickers under the lack, on back plastic stickers are over the lack. Is that like it was originally on the bike or back piece should have also stickers under the lack? (My is red bialbero - not anniversary or IOM version)
- Would someone have the original tools kit to sell? I know… it is a long shot. I will be happy also just with the photo to see the type of tools. In the workshop manual is just an illustration.
- I’m looking for a washer with rounded edge that holds the petrol tank. One is missing on my bike.
Tanks for any help!